Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Stop Children Teeth Grinding

Children as young as a year old can suffer from teeth grinding and it can be a very worrying thing for adults. At this early stage of growth teeth aren't fully grown and hardened and they are more likely to be damaged by the child grinding their teeth.

The causes of teeth grinding in children can vary. There are many 'old wives tales' linked with the condition including one that worms can cause the child to grind their teeth. The medical term for teeth grinding is bruxism. Stress is often a factor and this is where confusion can arise since stress can also cause other conditions such as skin complaints which may not be associated with the teeth griding but rather the root cause.

Typical symptoms of braxism include earache, headache, pains in the neck and jaw and cuts and abrasions inside the mouth. Sleepless night are a further problem and can lead to the child becoming tired and listless during the day. All of these signs should lead you to seek help.

Homeopathic remedies are available should be considered. If the child is under any kind of stress, perhaps because of family problems or an event such as starting school you may explore other treatments such as helping the child to relax.

By the age of 5 teeth grinding is a fairly common occurrence. Exercises for the jaw and massage are options for older children and later on mouth guards may also be considered. Obviously youshould consult a dentist if the problem persists. Don't rule out 'home treatments' at first though as there is a good chance you will be able to cure mild bruxism in a simpler way.

For further advice visit How to Cure Teeth Grinding